Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thirty Days of Happiness: Day 28

To me, the greatest happiness of all is that which is derived from the joy found in the simple things of life.

Vintage pillow cases from an estate sale in a marvelous, old home

Linens with a story, washed and hanging on my beloved clothesline
...sweet little surprises tucked in the flower bed.
Viewing the sunset from my Daddy's deck.

Rita-baby waking up each morning and boldly proclaiming, "I'm hungry! I'm reeeeally hungry! You hungry Andi?"
An exquisite bloom from the passion vine.


Rambling On said...


Rambling On said...

I think we're kindred spirits. We have many things in common, including our love of old linens. Matter of fact, I love most things old. :)

It's so nice to be reconnected.

Anonymous said...

Wombie read my mind...what's new? Kindred spirits. Rita-baby sounds like a real hoot.