Saturday, July 05, 2008

The Cottage Garden...

Birds eye view from the fence...

Approaching the entry.
The fish pot, my favorite.
Corner of right front bed.
Front yard resident rabbit.
Blooms at the entrance.
Gotta plant the marigolds today!
Sweet potato vine...
Oops, got to fill the birdfeeder!
Sweet pink geraniums.
Society garlic in another favorite pot.
Need to spiff up the mailbox a little. Always a list of 'to do's.'


Rambling On said...

What a delightful place you have... and I love container gardens... your pots are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

You have an adorable place and an amazing green thumb!! Love the blooms and pots and plants. It looks like a full-time job, keeping it all alive. And yet, you find time to bake and sew and paint and blog. A wonder woman for sure.

FYI, I found a photo of me and you from 100 years. I'll post it at some point. Just thought I'd give you a fair warning. Heehee. It's actually kinda cute.