Sunday, July 06, 2008

Thirty Days of Happiness: Day 10

"Good morning Andi! What doin? I'm hungry! Praise the Lord! C'mere Andi! Close that door, Andi! Where Andi go? I want kiss."

Happiness is being awakened bright and early every morning by Rita-baby, my African Grey parrot who talks without ceasing! Rita-baby was hatched during the chaotic early days following Hurricane Rita, thus her namesake.


Anonymous said...

I've always been intrigued with talking birds. Unlike her namesake, Rita-baby is lovely. :-)

Rambling On said...

What a beautiful bird. One question... who is Andi?

Rhonda said...

Andi is the resident dog. She kinda runs this place, if you know what I mean. The truth is, she really just thinks she's once of us because she's never been around another dog. I know, odd.

Rambling On said...

I knew the name "Andi" sounded familiar... I remember now... the precious pics of her, especially the one of her in the car seat. :)

How funny that the bird uses her name.