Sunday, August 03, 2008

Gotta Add One More Day of Happiness...#31

What a wonderful day it was! Yesterday I met 50 of my dearest friends in the world at Pier 19 in Galveston for a day of fishing and fun aboard the "Capt. John Williams'--- the biggest, newest, fastest deep sea vessel on the island. We sailed about 100 miles out in the Gulf where we caught our limit of red snapper, then loaded the boat with what seemed like a ton of other types of fish which weren't limited. The boat rocked and reeled on the rather rough waves, which resulted in quite a number of whiter that snow faces frantically grabbing for an empty Wal Mart bag because making it to the bathroom just wasn't gonna happen because #1, someone had already beat you to it or #2, you were just too darn sick to walk, let alone on a such a quickly moving floor. But love runs pretty deep among these folk. We played and laughed and joked and fished and puked together for 12 hours, with neither a cross word nor any feelings of embarrassment due to the manner in which all dignity was lost in our public displays of, well, vomiting. Sheesh. Therefore, today I must proclaim that happiness is having wonderful friends who can puke with you Saturday and laugh about it on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

I woulda been puking with you. :-) Just riding from here to Galveston in the backseat of BIL's Dodge Ram gets me woozy.

Rambling On said...

That is totally a definition of "happiness." I'm not sure I would do well on such an excursion.

I saw your shot of "Pastor Treadway." Is he related to the elder Pastor Treadway in Beaumont?

Rhonda said...

This is the elder Pastor Treadway. He turned 64 this past April. Sadly, some of use age much better than others. Especially men.