Tuesday, August 05, 2008


The gathered debri left by Hurricane Edouard. Minor, indeed.
Today's harvest. The tomato vines are still producing like crazy. Pure, organic goodness.

God listens. And He speaks too. And when He said "That's enough," Hurricane Edouard calmed down and moved on, leaving hardly a trace of his early morning visit.


Barb said...

I'm so glad you were pretty much unaffected by this storm threat, Rhonda.

Your tomatoes are amazing - I haven't seen tomatoes like that in years. I should dig up a little corner of my landscaped yard and plant some of these beauties.

Rhonda said...

I have a wonderful little garden tucked away in the midst of my prim and proper neighborhood! That's one of the few perks of living in this unimaginably humid area of southeast Texas--the gardens thrive!

Rambling On said...

The farm I go to for tomatoes is still rolling in them... and they are so delicious. I get a bit sad every season when the last one has been eaten.