Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Click It--or--Ticket!

School is out, traffic is a bit heavier and even Andi complies with 'click it or ticket' idea, the Texas Highway Department logo urging the wearing of seat belts!

Savannah was invited to Austin by her best friend (whose mother happens to be her school principal!), so we rose bright and early, packed a bag and as we started toward the door we noticed Andi was right there with us, joyously awaiting a ride in the car.

Granmommy's baby is quite a young lady now.....

Catch is, there was no plan to include her in this venture, however, those beautiful, huge brown eyes will certainly get you everytime! So off we go, with Andi strapped in her most favorite place in the whole world---her car seat---where she sat quite as a mouse, anxious to enjoy the view from her wonderful vantage point. Like always, Granmommy had to take a few pictures and Andi, in the car seat, got in on that action too.

What are we waiting on? Let's go!

My sweet Savannah, just too cool for words....


Anonymous said...

Andi is TOO CUTE!! I need a dog, but don't need the responsibility. Maybe I'll get another fish. NOT!!

Anonymous said...

Your granddaughter is so beautiful... and that Andi is one sweet baby girl. Love the car seat!! I can't believe she'll ride in that without complaint. How adorable!