Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday Morning Harvest

It rained all night....again, but, actually, I don't think it has stopped for more than a few minutes here and there since Saturday morning. So much for my plans of all day gardening for the next couple of days. But in spite of the rain, or maybe because of it, the harvest is pretty awesome. Early this morning I donned my clogs and waded out to find about a half gallon of luscious crimson strawberries just waiting to be rescued from the seemingly never-ending shower. What a delightful sight on a wet and dreary day. Now, if I just had a little champagne and whipped cream and, well, my favorite man with his guitar.....hmm.
My garden has turned out to be a pretty awesome place to commune with the Lord and while working there, I'm reminded of the law of the harvest---you'll reap what you've sown. It's just as evident in our spiritual lives as it is in this plot of soil in my yard. I dilligently pray that God gives me the desire and stamina to sow only the best seed because, well, harvesting weeds is too laborious, physically and spiritually.

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