Monday, December 01, 2008

Outside my Window...'s a little windy and the temp is somewhere in the 40's. Nice little gettin' close to Christmas nip in the air!

I am thinking...
...visions of...well, I'll just say nice visions are dancing in my head!

I am thankful...
...for Jesus.

From the Kitchen...
...13 Bean Soup made with a leftover ham bone was on the menu today, served with cornbread and iced tea.

I am wearing...
...I'll plead the fifth on that one.

I am Creating...
...lists! So much to do, so little time.

I am going...
...somwhere very special in 32 days...

I am reading...
...a guidance book, or perhaps I should say a 'book of suggestions' by none other than Dr. Laura. I love her strong commitment to marriage, family, and doing 'the right thing.'

I am Hoping...

...for the favor of God in a giant mountain my dear friend, Jeffrey, is facing.

I am Hearing...
'All Because of Jesus' by Andre Crouche and Marvin Winans.

Around the House...'s beginning to look...and smell...a lot like Christmas. Lucious, holiday scented candles are burning this evening, permeating every little nook and cranny with scents of gingerbread, bayberry and cinnamon.

One of My Favorite Things...
...'I love you' texts from Savannah

A Picture...

...of two little boys who were born one year and five days apart. They call me 'Mom' and I love them more than life. This was taken when Jarad (L) had an emergency appendectomy at the age of 9. His brother, Justin, never left his side...or his bed.

A Favorite Passage...
Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

1 comment:

Rambling On said...

Precious photo of your boys. And Happy Birthday to Savannah. Twelve is a very pivotal and special year.

Keep us informed about the special trip in 32 days. (wink, wink)