Sunday, October 05, 2008

Caution: Lots of Pictures!

After two weeks without power, cable or internet, I was ready to get the heck out of southeast Texas for some serious 'dehurricanizing.' Nothing seemed more enticing than a solo trip along the backroads of Texas, with the gentle fall breeze blowing through my hair and some great music to remind me of better times...not to mention no one nearby wanting to discuss Obamo or Palin or inclement weather!
There are a lot of beautiful and serene settings along the backroads of the hill country...
First stop: Round Top, Texas, where twice yearly the farmers rent out their pastures and fields to antique dealers from all over the U.S. for the gigantic Round Top Antique Faire, a wonderful week long event. For miles and miles all you see are tents and booths and barns and lofts filled with spectacular goodies mixed with a little junque. I suppose you could compare this event to Woodstock, except it's for serious antiquers.

Lots and lots of good junk!
There were leggy ladies...
and some hot men!

Lots of stuff from yester-year...

and some pretty cool primitives.
I always spot the beautiful flowers!

A whimsical little coffee shop on wheels!
This vintage truck is now a planter!
On the road again....a beautiful Texas pasture. See the horns behind the bail of hay?
'For is'
After passing through little communities with names such as Dime Box and Zionsville, I reached the big city...Austin, Texas. This is a birdseye view of the fabulous Driskill Hotel, where the President as well as all dignitaries stay while in the capital city.
My youngest son, Jarad, craving some Red Velvet from 'Hey, Cupcake!' This is a multi-million dollar business which operates out of an Airstream trailer. The key? Location, location, location!
Another view of the beautiful state capital.
Jarad took me to 'The Great Outdoors'--a garden center unlike any I've ever seen. There were roosters made from old recycled metal...
...and goats!
...a little peek at the skyline.
Art, Austin style. Maybe this is why the city is dotted with 'Keep Austin Wierd' bumper stickers!
On the road again. Only the sign remains...another business is on the property.
Another wonderful garden center is discovered, and this one has tons of statuary!
Maybe this guy could guard the cottage...
On second thought, this creature may be more intimidating!
It was great to get away but as always, it was great to get back home, too... energized and refreshed and ready to plan my next little road trip!

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