Sunday, September 07, 2008

Wasilla and Green Thumb Sunday...

I noticed I had a visitor this morning from Wasilla, Alaska! It couldn't have been...well, I guess it may have been...I mean, I wonder if it really could have been HER?

One can only speculate and hope, but, I guess there's always the chance it could have been this wonderful powerhouse of a lady. Gee, what an incredible honor that would be!

Shifting gears...I used to participate in a project called 'Green Thumb Sunday' which was simply a group whose members would, each Sunday, post something on their blogs which was growing in their gardens. Well, life being what it is, that little effort sort of got lost by the wayside, but, today I am back at it!

A month or so ago I stumbled across a package of zinnia seeds in a cabinet which had been there for no telling how long. Not having a lot of hope for this little pinch of nothing, I simply tossed them in a front flower bed, never bothering to sow or tend them. As I recall, a fairly heavy downpour fell shortly thereafter, leaving me with even less hope that the seed would survive, much less prosper. I was pleasantly surprised when, last week, I noticed there were probably a couple dozen zinnia's sprouting up here and there, and I was even more elated this morning when I saw many of them blooming and, right smack in the middle of the multiple shades of pink and lavender blooms is one of the peppermint variety!

I'm utterly amazed at the will of these outdated and neglected seed which narrowly escaped the trash can, and their wonderful outcome has caused me to acknowledge just how much strength and determination is within us, those created after God's own image, we must simply draw from the well within.


Rambling On said...

Finally, I was able to get back onto your lovely blog site and just spent a large amount of time reading through your always interesting blogs. Very interesting reading and wise insights.

The zinnia story is great. I was disappointed that the wild flower seeds we planted didn't produce anything but foliage this year. Last year we had some beautiful blooms, but I guess something or other didn't go right.

Wow! That's too cool about Wasilla. I'm very excited about the Republican ticket now.

Looking forward to seeing you in the fall.... we must get together.

Anonymous said...

That is cool about a visitor from Wasilla. I had never heard of it until Palin was annouced..


Anonymous said...

Thats great that you got beautiful flowers from those seeds. I am always reminded of God's creation when I am observing nature and the awesome things it does!

Anonymous said...

Wasilla? Wow. I think she's out of town, but it might've been a relative? Heehee. Love the flowers!!