Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Time Has Come...

Well, this is the day. This afternoon, Barack Obama will take the oath of office as President of the United States of America, making today, perhaps, the highlight of American history up to this time.

I did not vote for Barack Obama, and if I had it do to all over again, I would still not. But because he will be my President, I will honor him.

I am quite sure I will not agree with many of his decisions, but I will trust that he is performing to the best of his ability.

I will not speak ill of Mr. Obama, and I will petition the Lord to bless the man from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, and to provide a wall of protection around him and his family that the enemy cannot penetrate or cross over.

God knows, better than we, that this nation does not need an attack on this high office---from home or abroad.

All eyes will be on the White House, and regardless of how badly Mr. Obama wanted this position, it is not going to be an easy task to fulfill the duties in a manner that is both positive and pleasing to the people.

As God fearing christians and Americans, it is our duty to lift this wonderful nation, and Mr. Obama, up in prayer. The task which looms before him is huge, and just as we are subject to feel the ripple effect of his success, so are we his failures.

May the blessings of God and the spirit of unity flow over our nation and it's leaders.

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