"After the Bath"....in the dining room
Unfortunately, the front of my little cottage---where the so called 'formal' rooms are located---faces the east, making that part of the house uncomfortably warm this time of year. Realizing that today we would again see temperatures in the mid 90's, I knew I should do something which would in some way remedy the situation. After much wavering, I removed my favorite ivory colored Belgium lace curtains from the dining room windows and replaced them with a window treatment which would provide a significant amount more insulation. Actually, I liked the end result more than I thought I would...though not enough to pass on the pretty lace ones! On the wall not seen in the picture is a painting entitled "After the Bath." I had originally planned to hang it in the bathroom upstairs but it actually looks quite nice in the dining room as the color of the walls brings out a lot of the colors in the background of the painting. I really enjoy painting but have difficulty finding enough time to devote to art right now. I hope that in the not too distant future I will have plenty of time on my hands to paint and garden and quilt and do a number of other things which are constructive and creative as well as enjoyable....
Your endless talents are astounding. I'm so glad we've reconnected after all these years.
Hi, Rhonda! I'm loving your blog! As wombie (Dayle) said, you're incredibly gifted. Wow! Wish I could come eat some home grown veggies with you and take a walk down memory lane. You take gorgeous pictures!! Would love to know your camera. Did you paint this picture you've got posted???
Great to find you after all these years. You're just a beautiful as I remember.
You're much too generous with your comments, but very kind. Yes... what conversations we could have. I can still remember so many good times and crazy times on Chamberlin Drive. Every time we go see my parents we pass by the street. I'm assuming you're still in the area somewhere.
Yes, please keep in touch. My email is dayle@dayleshockley.com. Would love to hear from you anytime.
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