Sunday, June 17, 2007

Me 'n Daddy

Most everyone thinks they have the best dad in the world, but, I know the title really belongs to my daddy. For as far back as I can remember, I have been my daddy's buddy, his one and only little girl, his pride and joy. Over the years my dad has taught me volumes of practical knowledge that I truly treasure---how to grow a great garden, how to buy a new car at an unbelievable price, how to sling a hammer, install a sink, put a battery in the car, plant a tree properly, and countless other gems necessary to maintain a life of self-sufficiency. My daddy is getting older now but, in my eyes, he's just exactly the same as he was when I was a little girl.

I remember, when I was about five years old, giving my daddy a goodbye hug at the airport--- not really sure where he was going or why. As it turned out, he spent a year in Buenos Aires working on a special construction job. It never dawned on me until this morning, but, shortly after his return my parents built a nice new home. So that's why Daddy went away to work. What a sacrifice it must have been for him to be away from his family for an entire year. I still have the two dolls that he brought me from that trip, and they're still in excellent shape, though one is missing a shoe. Not bad, considering they've worn those same shoes for 46 years.

When Justin, my first baby, was born you would have thought that Daddy was the first person on earth to ever have become a grandpa. I think he must have believed that God created the earth just for Justin to walk on. Justin took my place and was the 'new' pride and joy. At that time Daddy was shrimping as a hobby and had recently purchased a new boat. He waited for months to christen the boat, planning to name it after the baby girl that I wanted so badly. When the baby arrived, with no girl parts, Daddy revised his plan and christened his new boat the Justin' Time. Every shrimper on the Gulf knew the Justin' Time and how it got its' name.

I could go on and on, singing the praises of my Daddy, but I really don't have time right now....I've got a special gift for my Daddy and I've got to go see him.

1 comment:

someone else said...

This was lovely. It's wonderful to share such a bond with your dad.