Sunday, July 02, 2006

Prosperity Is!

Life has no favorites. Rather, conscious people are people who choose to be self-determining. They are street-smart, have common sense, and do not believe in lack during good times or bad times. They know that the flow of good is as available to them as to anyone, all the time, because the universe exists and everything in it regenerates--always.
Most of us have grown up seeing, feeling and believing in limitation and have subconsciously assumed that that's the way it is and that we'll have to live with it. The truth is that we obtain in the outer world whatever we consistently picture in our mind.
Many people are so negative that they don't even know they are negative when they say, "I'll never have enough money, my job is my security, I can't afford it, I'm too young or old, I'm limited by my spouse or partner or lack of resources. And if only I had this or that, I could earn more, be more, do more and have more."
Security exists only in our minds. Security is not the dollars we have in the bank or invest in business or rental properties. Security is the thought we have in our minds. Security is a self-generated inside job....created inside the mind. In this incarnation, we exist behind the only eye-balls we will ever be behind and in the only bag of skin we will ever have. We must choose to be secure. As we increase the security of mind, we will choose work we love rather than work we do only for money. And the truth is that doing what we love will facilitate rapid self-advancement and probably higher earnings, too.
All the wealth in the world will not buy, nor be a sufficient substitute for love, family, spiritual fulfillment and the real satisfaction of having a meaningful purpose in life.
A consciousness that is not conditioned repetitively and positively to welcome prosperity and abundance automically repels them. Prosperity is! And if it's not for us, well, who is it for?

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