Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Dead Sea

...a view of the dead sea from my 7th floor hotel room. The white areas in the water are salt concentrations.


Anonymous said...

I don't think that trip would have been half as much fun without you! I just found out today about your blog site and I think it's a wonderful thing. You've got such a great testimony and 'quick faith' that's unlike any I've ever seen! I hope it's okay with you that I've passed this site on to a few friends, mostly mutual. Write more, please!

Charles J.

Rhonda said...

Thanks CJ! You know you all are some of my favorite folk! And thank you so much for your prayers and words of wisdom. It really touched me when you told me today that God had placed me on your heart for the last few weeks. My, He's always right on time! I'll tell you what that's all about later. I love you guys!
